Sunday, November 15, 2015

Looking People In the Eyes

Once in a while I'll notice something strange in my behavior that I know I need to fix immediately.  Today I noticed that I'd stopped looking people in the eyes.

It seems like such a simple thing.  But I think between getting to know a lot of new people in the past year (being an introvert, that can be overwhelming), and just a low-level depression (feeling less than other people), I'd stopped.  I'm not sure where I was looking ... maybe just past them.  Or I'd glance at their eyes and then look down, in a thoughtful pose.

The problem with this is that it sends a message.  On my end, I'm feeling like I'm not worthwhile, so I avert my eyes.  But people on the other side of that can misinterpret that and feel like I don't think they're worth my time.

And it really is nice looking into people's eyes.  They're so expressive.  And there's a much greater sense of actually connecting with the other person.

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