Friday, June 26, 2015

Losing the Culture War and Why that May Be Okay

In light of today's Supreme Court decision to legalize gay marriage, I have some thoughts.

I am a Christian.  In some ways I'm very conservative and in others I am somewhat progressive.   But there are things in our culture that I do not like.  There are issues on which a bunch of us are on one side and a bunch of us are on the other side.  Things like abortion, sexual identity, global warming, and on and on.  And on a lot of these issues, lately, the other 'side' has been gaining traction.

Let me be clear here.  I don't hate people on the other sides of these issues.  While there are always going to be extremists on both sides who do spew hate, what these mostly come down to is a difference of opinion in how the world should be or what is actually best for people.  Folks on both sides really do want everyone to be healthy and happy - they just disagree on what that looks like and how to get there.

But the more conservatives (religious or political) lose ground, the more I wonder if they're fighting the wrong battle.  

Allow me to zig here.  I'll be back.

One of my favorite people is Saint Therese.  She wanted to be used by God in big ways - to go out into the world and convert masses of people.  But she ended up as a nun in a little convent, feeling like she wasn't doing much.  But God showed her that she could have a massive impact right where she was ... that she could change countless lives - just by taking the actions of love with the people right around her.  So that's what she did.  She loved on everyone, even the ones who were difficult to love.  And she brought light into their lives.  And because of her selfless attitude, countless people have been inspired by her.

And zag,

I've been reading about Mohammed and I was struck by the similarities and differences between him and Jesus.  When the city elders came for Mohammed to stop his religion from spreading any further, he snuck out of town.  He then raised an army and eventually crushed the city which had tried to stop him.  Over time, he became the ruler of a huge empire, taking huge territories by force.  When they came for Jesus, he let them take him.

And another zig.

Two of the people I respect the most in this world are Alan and Debbie.  They're raising four kids with good, solid values.  They're normal people doing their normal thing like all of us do, but they're thoughtful and deliberate about raising their kids with good morals and respect and good judgement and decency.

And we're back.  Getting to my point.

I don't think this is a war we can win.  I don't think that we can work the system to legislate how we want the world to look.  I don't think we can shame people into behaving the way we think they ought to behave.  And I'm not not at all sure we should even want to.

So what to do?  Go smaller.  Go smaller to go bigger.

I believe that Alan and Debbie are changing the world in an epic way.  By doing the ordinary, everyday work of raising kids right, I think they are actually sending ripples out into the world that will be felt by all around.  And I think we all need to make some similar small splashes.  By loving one another and doing good.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not saying that if we each do our part then together we can have a big impact (although that may be true).  I honestly believe that the little things ARE the big things.  The small acts of love and decency and goodness ARE the epic things that change the world.  

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