So, I've been reading a whole lot of stuff on the internet for the
past couple of weeks, telling me what a horrible person I am. I'm either
a racist and a sexist and a homophobe and a xenophobe, or I'm enabling a man
who is, and emboldening the bad people in our country to treat blacks and
hispanics and muslims and women, etc. ... poorly.
But most of you
posting these things have not asked me. Which would be nice.
Because it seems like you're making assumptions which are incorrect,
while ignoring a lot of pertinent info about your own candidate.
For the record, I
don't like Trump. I voted for him, but I would not call myself a Trump
supporter or defender. Got that?
When I look at a
politician, I break them into three categories: the personal, the practical and
the policies.
Personal. Do
I think they're basically a decent human being? Obama? Yes.
Bush? Yes. Either Clinton? No. Trump? No.
Do I think they are good/would be good at the job? Reagan?
Yes. Bill Clinton? Yes. Obama? No. Hillary
Clinton? No. Trump? Not sure.
I'm a libertarian leaning Republican. I believe that government is
best which governs least. So while I don't agree with all of Trump's
policies, his line up more with mine than Hillary Clinton's.
One thing I’d like to note at this point. It seems like a lot of people confuse policies
with the personal. But just because you
dislike someone’s policies, doesn’t mean they are bigoted. If someone wants to build a wall on the
Mexican border, that doesn’t mean they automatically hate Mexicans. It may simply mean they favor enforcing the
existing laws of this country. If
someone favors lowering corporate taxes, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they want to
oppress the poor. Many believe lowering
taxes lures businesses back to the U.S. and spurs the engine of economic growth, which helps everyone.
Look, I think both
parties picked the worst possible candidate. But to me, Hillary Clinton
is worse. It seems clear to me that she and her husband sold out the
country for their own personal interests. So my basic metric in this
election was: Trump has said horrible things, but Hillary has done horrible
It's fascinating
to me that once Hillary Clinton was the candidate, the Democrats circled the
wagons and it seemed like all you heard, from CNN to the late night talk shows,
was how horrible Trump is. Alternatively, on right-wing talk radio, the
Republicans were constantly discussing Trump's flaws. It makes me want to say to the Democrats, ‘Really? You find nothing wrong there? From deleting emails and destroying laptops
that the FBI had requested to the appearance of pay-for-play using the Clinton
Foundation to Bengazi, and going all the way back to Whitewater and
Hillary-care? We can debate these
issues, but really? Nothing to see here?’
I made what I
thought was the best choice possible, given the choices available. I
flirted with not voting for either one. If some decent Democrat had run,
I might have been tempted. But that wasn't the case.
So I voted for Trump.